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Global Digimon Masters Online
Thursday, April 12, 2012
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10rb : 100m
dst sorry mahal aku jg cari untung XD
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Obtainable Digimon
Sebelumnya ini cuma copas hehehe... ada jg yg belum ada di GDMO
Mercenary Digimon
(Most images here are taken from google Images, but are actual screenshots taken in DMO; they are not taken by me)
CandlemonLine of EvolutionCandlemon // (lv.11) Wizardmon // (lv.25) Mystmon // (lv.41) Dynasmon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 8 Fire DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
SalamonLine of EvolutionSalamon // (lv.11) Gatomon // (lv.25) Angewomon // (lv.41) Magnadramon // (lv.65, Cash Item) Ophanimon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 8 8 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
LopmonLine of EvolutionLopmon // (lv.11) Wendigomon // (lv.25) Antylamon // (lv.41) Cheriubymon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
ImpmonLine of EvolutionImpmon // (lv.11) IceDevimon // (lv.25) SkullSatamon // (lv.41) Beelzemon // (lv.65, Cash Item) Beelzemon Assassin Mode Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 8 10 Dark DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
Pawnchessmon WLine of EvolutionPawnChessmon W // (lv.11) KnightChessmon W // (lv.25) Bishopmon // (lv.41) KingChessmon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 3 Rock DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
BiyomonLine of EvolutionBiyomon // (lv.11) Birdramon // (lv.25) Garudamon // (lv.41) Phoenixmon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Bird DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
KotemonLine of EvolutionKotemon // (lv.11) Gladmon // (lv.25) Knightmon // (lv.41) Crusadermon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 8 Reptile DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
BetamonLine of EvolutionBetamon // (lv.11) Seadramon // (lv.25) MegaSeadramon // (lv.41) MetalSeadramon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Aqua DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
StarmonLine of EvolutionStarmon // (lv.25) SuperStarmon // (lv.41) Justimon Evolutors Needed Mega - 8 2 Rock DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
HagurumonLine of EvolutionHagurumon // (lv.11) Gaurdramon // (lv.25) Andramon // (lv.41) HiAndramon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 3 Rock DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
HagurumonLine of EvolutionHagurumon // (lv.11) Mekanorimon // (lv.25) Megadramon // (lv.41) Machinedramon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 (???) 3 Rock DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA (???) |
MonodramonLine of EvolutionMonodramon // (lv.11) Strykerdramon // (lv.25) Cyberdramon // (lv.41) Justimon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Reptile DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
GabumonLine of EvolutionGabumon // (lv.11) Garurumon // (lv.25) WereGarurumon // (lv.41) MetalGarurumon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 8 5 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
RenamonLine of EvolutionRenamon // (lv.11) Kyubimon // (lv.25) Taomon // (lv.41) Sakuyamon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 8 10 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
PatamonLine of EvolutionPatamon // (lv.11) Angemon // (lv.25) MagnaAngemon // (lv.41) Seraphymon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 8 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
VeemonLine of EvolutionVeemon // (lv.11) EXveemon // (lv.25) Paildramon // (lv.41) Imperialdramon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 8 10 Reptile DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
HawkmonLine of EvolutionHawkmon // (lv.11) Aquilamon // (lv.25) Silphymon // (lv.41) Phoenixmon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Bird DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
KeramonLine of EvolutionKeramon // (lv.11) Crisalymon // (lv.25) Infermon // (lv.41) Diaboromon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 8 8 Dark DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
KunemonLine of EvolutionKunemon // (lv.11) Flymon // (lv.25) Okuwamon // (lv.41) Grankuwamon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 1 Bug DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
TerriermonLine of EvolutionTerriermon // (lv.11) Gargomon // (lv.25) Rapidmon // (lv.41) SaintGargomon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
GomamonLine of EvolutionGomamon // (lv.11) Ikkakumon // (lv.25) Zudomon // (lv.41) Vikemon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Aqua DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
GotsumonLine of EvolutionGotsumon // (lv.11) Icemon // (lv.25) Meteormon // (lv.41) MetalEtemon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 2 Rock DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
TentomonLine of EvolutionTentomon // (lv.11) Kabuterimon // (lv.25) MegaKabuterimon // (lv.41) HerculesKabuterimon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Bug DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
AgumonLine of EvolutionAgumon // (lv.11) Greymon // (lv.25) MetalGreymon // (lv.41) WarGreymon // (lv.65, Cash Item) VictoryGreymon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 8 5 Reptile DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
DogmonLine of EvolutionDogmon // (lv.25) Cerberusmon // (lv.41) Anubismon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 2 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
BearmonLine of EvolutionBearmon // (lv.11) Grizzmon // (lv.25) GrapLeomon // (lv.41) DinoTigemon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
WormonLine of EvolutionWormon // (lv.11) Stingmon // (lv.25) JewelBeemon // (lv.41) GranKuwagamon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Bug DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
GuilmonLine of EvolutionGuilmon // (lv.11) Growlmon // (lv.25) WarGrowlmon // (lv.41) Gallantmon // (lv.65, Cash Item) Gallantmon Crimson Mode Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 8 10 Reptile DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
PawnChessmon BLine of EvolutionPawnChessmon B // (lv.11) KnightChessmon B // (lv.25) RookChessmon // (lv.41) QueenChessmon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 3 Rock DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
FanbeemonLine of EvolutionFanbeemon // (lv.11) Waspmon // (lv.25) Cannonbeemon // (lv.41) Tigerwaspmon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 8 Bug DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
KiwimonLine of EvolutionKiwimon // (lv.25) Sinduramon -- (lv.25) Blossomon // (lv.41) Gryphonmon Evolutors Needed Side Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 2 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
ElecmonLine of EvolutionElecmon // (lv.11) Leomon // (lv.25) Panjyamon // (lv.41) SaberLeomon // (lv.65, Cash Item) BanchouLeomon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
DemiDevimonLine of EvolutionDemiDevimon // (lv.11) Bakumon // (lv.25) Pumpkimon // (lv.41) Boltmon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 3 Dark DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
DemiDevimonLine of EvolutionDemiDevimon // (lv.11) Soulmon // (lv.25) Phantomon // (lv.41) Piedmon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 3 Dark DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
PalmonLine of EvolutionPalmon // (lv.11) Woodmon // (lv.25) Cherrymon // (lv.41) Puppetmon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 1 Plant DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
PalmonLine of EvolutionPalmon // (lv.11) Togemon // (lv.25) Lillymon // (lv.41) MarineAngemon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 3 Plant DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
KamemonLine of EvolutionKamemon // (lv.11) Guapamon // (lv.25) Shawujinmon // (lv.41) JumboKamemon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Aqua DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
DobermonLine of EvolutionDobermon // (lv.25) Cerberusmon // (lv.41) Anubismon Evolutors Needed Mega - 8 2 Beast DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
DracomonLine of EvolutionDracomon // (lv.11) Coredramon Green // (lv.25) Groundramon // (lv.41) Breakdramon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Reptile DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
DracomonLine of EvolutionDracomon // (lv.11) Coredramon Blue // (lv.25) Wingdramon // (lv.41) Slayerdramon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 5 Reptile DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
DemiMeramonLine of EvolutionDemiMeramon // (lv.11) Meramon // (lv.25) SkullMeramon // (lv.41) Boltmon Evolutors Needed Ultimate - 3 // Mega - 6 1 Fire DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
DeputymonLine of EvolutionDeputymon // (lv.25) SuperStarmon // (lv.41) Justimon Evolutors Needed Mega - 8 2 Rock DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
Gizumon ATLine of EvolutionGizumon AT // (lv.25) Gizumon XT 3 Rock DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
TanemonLine of EvolutionTanemon // (lv.11) Tanemon // (lv.25) Tanemon // (lv.41) Tanemon Event Digimon // Evolves into a larger version of same digimon 5 Aqua DATA Chips for each time its egg tries to absorb DATA |
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